Entering Data
Last updated 7th January, 2025 |
4 topics
The importance of timely data entry
The unit of measurement is a Service Episode
A key thing to note in MDS collection is that it counts Service Episodes, not Clients.
A Service Episode is defined as:
- A treatment process with defined dates of commencement and cessation between a client and a provider or team of providers,
- Provided at the treatment organisation or one of its service delivery outlets,
- In which there is no major change in the service delivery setting, main service provide, principal drug of concern,
- Where there has been no unplanned interval of contact greater than 3 months
- If there is a change in any of these, a new service episode is to be created
As a general rule, all Service Episodes have a maximum length of 12 months. Please refer to Everything you need to know about Service Episodes (PDF)
Entering a Service Episode
The video walks you through the steps required to ensure accurate and compliant data entry, essential for reporting and service evaluation. Follow along to see how the clinician weaves the MDS questions in her conversation with the client.
Entering COMS Surveys
Follow along to see how the clinician builds rapport with the client, weaves information on the client journey, and asks the different Client Outcome Measures surveys.