In this article:

Analysing your data

Why do reports matter?

Reports matter because they provide valuable insights into service delivery, client outcomes, and organisational performance. By using NADAbase to generate reports from the National Minimum Data Set (NMDS), New South Wales Minimum Data Set (NSW MDS), and Client Outcomes Management System (COMS) data, organisations can monitor trends, assess the effectiveness of their programs, and identify areas for improvement. These reports help ensure data-driven decision-making, enhance accountability, and support continuous improvement in service provision.

NADAbase has the capacity to produce a range of reports from NMDS, NSW MDS and COMS data, and these reports can be generated in a variety of formats.

Interactive dashboard

The first screen that shows when logging into NADAbase is your organisational dashboard. The dashboard serves as a central hub for monitoring and evaluating various aspects of your program.

Activity summary report

This report summarizes your program activity by month, quarters, and financial years. It answers questions such as how many episodes were opened and closed in the period?

The Activity Summary report provides detail about:

  • Total Service Contacts

  • Service Contacts by Episode Main Treatment

  • Service Contacts by Clinician

  • Service Contacts by Type

  • Service Contacts by Contact Note

  • Distinct Clients with a least one Service Contact

  • Number of New Episodes

  • Number of Closed Episodes

  • Number of Open Episodes

  • Average length of close episodes (days)

Episode analysis report

In this report you can find insight on the demographics of the episodes that were opened and closed within a specific time period.

The Episode Analysis reports explore MDS data providing an analysis by:

Just Totals Totals of response to each MDS question presented with percentages
Age Range Percentage response to each MDS question by Age (ranges include: Under 26, 26-35…
Sex Percentage response to each MDS question by Sex
Indigenous Status Percentage response to each MDS question by Indigenous Status
Country of Birth Percentage response to each MDS question by Country of Birth

Organisation treatment outcomes report

The Organisation Treatment Outcomes responds to how many clients have improved COMS scores over a specific time period.

The report is shown as an aggregate report outlining outcomes for all clients at all stages withing the defined time period.

SDS All Substances Brief Table Table showing average (mean) SDS score across all clients in that time period for each substance for each stage
SDS All Substances Full Table: Table showing the mean and median SDS scores across all clients in that time period for each substance for each stage as well as the number of clients who reported that substance as their primary concern at that stage

[NB: Remember that at any point after intake a client may have more than one substance of concern, the current one and the initial one]

Average SDS Score by Stage Line Graph Graph and table showing the average SDS score for all substances for all clients at that stage
Individual Substance SDS by Stage Line Graph Line graph showing the average SDS score at each stage broken down into individual substances, i.e. the average SDS score for all clients who stated alcohol was the substance they were most concerned about at each stage.[NB: Remember that at any point after intake a client may have more than one substance of concern, the current one and the initial one]

Average SDS Score by Initial Substance of Concern Graph: A graph showing the average SDS score only for the initial substance of most concern tracked across each stage, averaged across all substances, across all clients

Average SDS Score by Initial Substance of Concern Table A table showing the actual average SDS scores represented graphically in the average SDS score by initial substance of concern graph
SDS Score by Initial Substance of Concern by Substance Graph Graph showing the average SDS score for each initial substance of most concern at each stage
SDS Score by Initial Substance of Concern by Substance Table Table showing the actual SDS scores represented in the SDS score by initial substance of concern by substance graph
Drug and Alcohol Use Line Graph Graph showing the average number of days clients used each particular substance at each stage (average across only those clients who actually used that substance in that period).
Drug and Alcohol Use Brief Table Table showing the average (mean) number of days clients used each substance at each stage (average across only those clients who actually used that substance in that period).
Drug and Alcohol Use Full Table Table showing the mean and median number of days clients used each substance at each stage (across only those clients who actually used that substance in that period) as well as the number of clients who reported using that substance in that period
K10 Bar Chart Bar chart showing the proportion of clients experiencing Low, Moderate, High and Very High levels of psychological distress at each stage of the program.
K10 Average Line Graph Graph showing the average total K10 score for all clients at each stage and including a text box to aid in interpretation of scores.
K10+ Brief Table Table showing the actual average (mean) K10 score at each stage of the program that is graphically represented in the K10 average line graph and showing the responses for the 4 additional (‘+’) questions including averages for the first 3 questions and the proportions who gave each response for the final question.
K10+ Full Table Table showing the mean and median K10 scores at each stage of the program, as well as the number of clients who were surveyed at that stage of the program and showing the responses for the 4 additional (‘+’) questions including mean and median for the first 3 questions and the proportions who gave each response for the final question, as well as the number of clients who were surveyed at each stage.
Health and Social Functioning Brief Table Table showing the average quality of life scores (including overall total quality of life, and the six quality of life domain scores) at each stage
Health and Social Functioning Full Table Table showing the actual proportions who gave each response to each question, the number of clients that represented and the total number of clients surveyed at that stage
Additional Questions Table Table showing the proportion of clients who gave each response to each of the ‘additional questions’ questions, the number of clients that represented and the total number of clients surveyed at that stage
QoL Overall by Stage graph Line graph showing the overall average total quality of life score at each stage
QoL Domain Breakdown by Stage Graph 3 graphs showing: (score for general quality of life domain, score for general perception of health domain, scores for physical quality of life, psychological quality of life, social quality of life and quality of living environment domains for the client at each stage)
BBV Risk Taking Table Table showing the proportion of clients who gave each response to each of the ‘BBV risk taking’ questions, the number of clients that represented and the total number of clients surveyed at that stage


NADA considers collecting and reporting outcomes data important. In response to feedback from NADA members, NADA built the dashboard to provide high-level insights into outcome measures to inform care, and aid in reporting to funders.

NADAbase users will see this dashboard located within the Homepage screen in NADAbase, next to Data Quality tab. This version will provide a service-level overview for one service.

Take the outcomes dashboard tour


Data quality check report

Data quality check report

The Data Quality Check Report provides a comprehensive overview of potential data entry errors and episodes that may require review, it includes:

  • Possible duplicated client codes

  • Possible duplicated episodes

  • Episodes that have remained open for more than 360 days

  • Outpatients who have not had a service contact for more than 90 days